A Dinner I’m Thankful For


Letter from the Editor

Having attended one dinner last week in Washington D.C. hosted by WIA, honoring the founders of our industry, it gave me some added thanks to add to the dinner I’ll be having with family and friends tomorrow.

Among the many gratitudes I have for how life, crazy and unpredictable as it is, has blessed me over my 00* years, I need to save one for the tower market.  The D.C. dinner reminded me of how unformed the market was back in the primordial mist of the late ‘80’s and what it has become.  It is a thing of wonder and worthy of thanks.

Steven Bernstein, former founder and CEO of SBA, talked about starting his company on credit cards and buying chunks of spectrum for the cost of a Butterball turkey (my metaphor, not his…I think I’m getting hungry).  Steve Dodge, founder and former CEO of American Tower, described putting up a series of towers on spec along a highway corridor in Florida, more on faith than on profound insights on what the market would become. Both men prospered and both were, yes, thankful for the the robust business that followed them.  Like so many in the room, I caught the same wave and am riding it today.

With a new year at our doorstep that has a packed pipeline of demand, I am saving one thanks tomorrow for our healthy and happening wireless infrastructure market and the bright future ahead.


Inside Towers will not publish on Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23. Our next newsletter will publish on Monday, November 26. -ed

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By Jim Fryer, Managing Editor, Inside Towers

November 21, 2018