Mississippi House Backs Two Bills for Broadband


Two Mississippi House Bills promoting broadband have met with almost universal support, reports SCT Online. With a 120-1 vote, legislators approved House Bill 942, which would allow Entergy and Mississippi Power to lease broadband delivery infrastructure to other providers. The second House Bill, HB 505, would allow the Public Utilities Staff of the Public Service commission to administer newly created broadband accessibility grants.

“I think this is good broadband policy,” said Representative Scott Bounds, the bills’ author, commenting on HB 942. “This fiber is used for communication from substation to headquarters, things like that. In this capacity, they have unused fiber capacity which we all know is the standard for speed and reliability in broadband transmission. I know they have lessors that are chomping at the bit to do it  [lease their unused fiber capacity].”

Both bills are intended to extend broadband services to the underserved in Mississippi. The grants envisioned in HB 505 would assist with funding projects, either picking up 35 percent of the cost, or contributing $1.5 million, whichever is lower. Those receiving the grants would be given a two year window in which to complete an infrastructure project. Bounds indicated that outreach to the underserved could include middle mile projects to connect providers, or outreach to specific locations that operate for the good of their rural communities.

The sharing arrangement put forth in HB 942 is similar to Entergy and C Spire projects already underway in other southern states. The bill has specific language and protections that would allow third parties to benefit from Entergy’s power grid without being subject to limiting costs and restrictions from the providers. Additional wording would allow consumers with higher needs to use the company’s existing right-of-way to connect its own fiber optic cables. Charges generated by Right-of-Way tax hikes would be credited back to the consumers.  

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