Peregrine Falcon Entrapped in Tower Gets Rescued


A lone falcon trapped within a cell phone tower has been freed, reports The peregrine falcon had managed to shimmy itself into the workings of a Telus tower, but was unable to escape through the same opening. Cell tower maintenance workers in Manitoba, Canada were on a routine call when they heard the bird’s distress calls. 

“It’s actually quite an ordeal to get a bird out of a cell tower,” said Executive Director Zoe Nakata of the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre. The workers called Nakata for assistance, and were coached through the rescue mission. Rappelling into the jailed bird’s cell tower enclosure, the team arrived with a towel, a sack, and safety equipment to protect both man and falcon. 

The Wildlife Centre examined the captive, who was determined to be weak and dehydrated, but otherwise unharmed. Unfortunately, remains of other occupants indicated that two prior birds were not as lucky. Telus did not know if this cell tower was uniquely disadvantageous to falcons or if this incident highlights a larger problem.

Nakata said that Telus was quick to respond to their concerns and added, “They’ve already committed to capping that tower and looking into the problem.” Telus donated $5,000 to the Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre in appreciation for the care given to the imprisoned peregrine falcon. The bird was pronounced healthy and was released to the wild.   

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