Tree Buffer Ain’t Enough ‘Fer Orange County Residents


The Orange County Board of Supervisors (Virginia) has deferred a decision on a special-use permit for a 199-foot tower proposed by Shentel Mobile – on behalf of Sprint – to allow the applicant time to research other locations, reported the Orange County Review.

Both neighbors and supervisors expressed concerns over the project’s proposed location on a 31-acre parcel zoned agricultural. The property is primarily used as a single-family residence but provides the necessary county zoning ordinance stipulations for a telecommunications tower, including a 200-foot tree preservation buffer surrounding the tower and positioning at least 500 feet away from existing residences, reported the Review.

However, several residents spoke out in opposition at the planning commission’s public hearing, noting that the tree buffering wasn’t enough to minimize sightlines for the neighborhood. 

“There are more opportunities available that have not been researched than for me to immediately accept this plan—which infringes on my property value for one thing—but also on my enjoyment of what I understood the plan to be for Orange County,” said Ken Kaval, who lives across the street from the proposed tower.

Resident Lura Wharton also opposes the project as she witnessed the balloon test conducted for the tower project, visible from her property. Concerns over property values and health risks were also mentioned.

Additionally, residents were up in arms over the fact that the area is currently zoned agricultural, but its recommended future land use is a combination of agricultural, residential and small-scale commercial.

Valerie Long, a representative for Shentel, said the telecommunications tower is consistent with the county’s goals, objectives, and vision set forth in the comprehensive plan, reported the Review.

Shentel notes the proposed tower will assist the county in enhancing the quality of life for its residents by improving wireless service. Both emergency services and businesses depend on efficient communication services to function, Long added.

Supervisors voted unanimously to defer a decision until May 22, to allow the applicant time to research and possibly amend the proposed location.

April 20, 2018         

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