Verizon Tower in Georgia Gets Lincoln’s Approval


A new cell tower is scheduled to go up by the end of the year in Georgia, and Verizon has Lincoln to thank for it; the town, that is. Despite opposition, the Lincoln Board of Commissioners gave the go-ahead for a 255-foot self supporting tower on Double Branches Road near the Augusta Highway, despite the concern of several residents, reported the Lincoln Journal.

Resident Tony Creighton said he was the closest and most impacted by the proposed site, located directly in front of his house. “We strongly oppose the Zoning Board and Board of Commissioners granting the construction of the telecommunications tower at this site. Research and common sense make it clear that the proposed tower would have an extraordinary negative and financial impact on our property values and also a visual blight being on the road for us and the citizens of Lincoln County driving down the highway,” said Creighton.  

Another resident said the tower lacks certification in meeting the “fall” requirements, and noted other deficiencies in the application. Public Works Director Roby Seymour disagreed, saying the carrier met all of the Planning and Zoning Board requirements, although the site required fencing. Verizon agreed to correct that oversight and meet all fencing standards, reported the Lincoln Journal.  

Representing Verizon, project manager Steve Watkins spoke at the public forum, saying the tower was a necessity to improve cell service and emergency services for the area.

One resident spoke in favor of the tower, citing a lack of cell service and the negative effects it could have on medical responders and law enforcement.

The Planning and Zoning Board stipulated the permit be conditional and “that no other Verizon tower sites will be approved until this tower is constructed, equipped, and operational.” 

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