Connected Cars Could Cause Data Traffic Jams


Reuters recently reported that data traffic jams are likely to happen with the connected car, “By 2024, mobile networks will see machine-to-machine (M2M) connections jump 10-fold to 2.3 billion from 250 million in 2014. Half these links will be automotive, said the study published on Thursday by Machina Research. On the roads, about one in five vehicles worldwide will have some form of wireless network connection by 2020, or more than a quarter of a billion connected vehicles, according to a forecast from technology research firm Gartner.” With all the entertainment options in the vehicle, the car’s navigation and collision systems that rely on local networks could be strained. “The report says the dangers will mount over the next decade but stops short of painting a picture of bloody roadside pile-ups. Such scenarios can be averted if network operators pay more attention to managing surging, unpredictable data demands in congested areas and device makers do more to ensure their products do not interfere with other network users,” Reuters explained.

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