FCC Opens New Broadband Data Filing Window


Broadband providers may once again file availability and location data for the FCC’s updated maps. The FCC opened a new Broadband Data Collection (BDC) filing window on July 3.

The data should reflect where providers made broadband internet access service available as of June 30, 2023. Broadband providers as well as carriers must also submit the subscription data as of June 30, required under Form 477 in the BDC system. All availability and subscription data must be submitted no later than September 1, 2023.

Filers should submit their data here.   

The broadband serviceable location fabric, which is the foundation for the collection of fixed broadband availability data, has been updated for use as of June 30. Providers who are already fabric licensees, and all other fabric licensees (including state, local, and Tribal government and other third-party entities), are receiving an email from the FCC’s Fabric contractor, CostQuest, providing them with access to the June 2023 fabric data. Those who don’t yet have an agreement with CostQuest may seek guidance at the BDC Help Center.

The FCC encourages filers to submit their June 30, 2023, availability data as early as possible. This will give them a chance to address any problems with their data identified by the BDC system in time to make any necessary corrections before the September 1 deadline.

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