Going Down Under Third Place: Report Shows Australia Could Slip In 5G Ranking


Australia is currently ranked number three globally for 5G-connected devices per capita, but the country is at risk and is forecast to fall to ninth place by 2025. According to a study from Deloitte Access Economics, commissioned by the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA), unless the country’s three live networks receive targeted support and invest in developing strategies to keep up with new applications, they will fall behind.

The report, titled “Realizing the Potential of the Next Generation of Mobile Technology,” identified economic considerations tied to the accelerated adoption of 5G. The next-generation network will increase Australia’s GDP by $67 billion by 2030, but the country could lose out on an additional $27 billion if 5G adoption isn’t aggressive. 

According to the AMTA, a lack of policy and regulatory principles make tangible actions in 5G expansion more difficult. The organization surveyed business leaders across agriculture, manufacturing, health care, and smart cities, with 62 percent agreeing that 5G will accelerate business growth. Despite this finding, the report stated, “Australian businesses were found to be slow when it comes to readiness for adoption of 5G.”

The same survey showed that almost two-thirds of businesses don’t have a 5G strategy, and 30 percent have no plans to implement 5G. Barriers to entry include not regarding 5G as a priority, not connecting 5G to business relevance, and concerns over high costs.

The AMTA’s goal is to drive greater adoption of 5G with a smooth, continuous rollout. The report noted that government policies and the telecommunications industry must support 5G or risk falling in the global rankings. “The costs of a slower 5G adoption could also grow even larger over time. If Australia is behind in 2030, it will be harder to catch up, and the foregone benefits will continue to accumulate.”

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