Rural Virginia Berg Gets Big Stick


The Southampton County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a conditional-use permit for a 199-foot monopole tower on November 23. The tower will benefit Verizon Wireless customers, especially around the village of Sebrell near the southeastern border with North Carolina.

Vice Chairman Ronald West said, “I think this enhances the communication expansion in this particular dead area,” according to the Tidewater News. “It sounds good to me.” Since the tower will be under 200-feet tall, it will not have a light at the top. That move was purposefully made to avoid being intrusive to nearby residents, according to Verizon Wireless attorney Steve Bromine. He said, “It can serve our purpose at 199 feet, and not having to light it makes it less intrusive to neighbors.”

In the future, up to five wireless carriers may add equipment to the tower. Plans for construction have not been made yet, but will take place in the next 12 months, before the permit expires.

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