Verizon Helps Train the U.S. Army


Members of the Verizon Network Intelligence Team at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. From left to right: Dennis Marti, Tuncay Basar, LTC Chris Krupar, Hubert Sieh, George Riggins and Sheen Patel. (Photo by: Tamieka Smith Photography)

Verizon has begun its fourth year of participating in the U.S. Army’s training program known as Training With Industry (TWI). After completing a one-year immersive assignment with Verizon, senior officers, considered the Army’s brightest problem solvers, return to service to be placed in key positions – typically within the U.S. Army Cyber command.

Each participant’s future assignment within the Army is considered before being assigned to a Verizon Network team. This ensures their TWI assignment provides the appropriate skill set and crucial knowledge that will be relevant when they return to service.

Since the TWI program began at Verizon, officers have been assigned various roles within the Network organization including Engineering, System Performance and Network Security. Participants worked on Verizon’s Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Shield program, a critical project that protects networks and customers from malicious outside attacks.

June 1, 2018

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