Vertex Granted Three Waivers in Buckland


In rural Massachusetts, the Buckland Planning Board remains actively engaged with Vertex as the two work to come up with a mutually agreeable cell tower plan. According to the Greenfield Recorder, three waivers have been granted that will make it easier for Vertex to keep moving ahead. All three allowances are administrative in nature.

First, the Board has accepted attorney Francis Parisi’s recommendation to drop the requirement that Vertex hold an FCC license. The Board did specify that Vertex must have at least one lease agreement with a wireless provider before beginning construction. The decision indicates that the parties agreed that the wireless provider is the one with the FCC obligation, not Vertex, which is just acting as the contracted builder.

The second and third conditions waive the requirements that radio frequency engineer and acoustical engineer inspections be conducted prior to construction. The decision signifies that the Board trusts that the project will meet decibel and radiation standards.

Still in the works are plans to conduct a balloon test. Vertex has recommended a cell tower of 150 feet, which will visually extend above the treeline. While some residents spoke out against the impact on the vista, others like resident Christopher Franceschelli were more focused on the cell tower’s benefits. He noted, “This tower will allow us in Buckland to work and be productive. At first it will be a harsh intrusion, but it will eventually fade into the background.” 

Attorney Parisi commented that Vertex had investigated numerous potential sites, but had plans to build just one cell tower at the preferred site on Martin Road. “This is not perfect,” he told the Recorder. “There will be some visibility. I have never built an invisible tower.”

Herb Guyette, Buckland and Shelburne fire chief, added his support for the cell tower plan, noting, “The tower would give us what we need to be able to operate safely.” Parisi added that Vertex routinely allows free usage of cell towers to emergency personnel.

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