Bison Are the Only Thing Roaming at Castle Rock


Colorado’s Castle Rock Town Council unanimously voted against a T-Mobile proposal to install a 35-foot cell tower in Bison Park. The T-Mobile proposal envisioned a multi-purpose facility that would house restrooms for park goers, as well as a hidden cell tower and equipment shed. However, as the Castle Rock News-Press reports, the T-Mobile proposal was highly unpopular with local residents.

“It’s not a structure, it’s a monstrosity that would shatter the majestic views our community prides itself on,” said one opponent. “This isn’t about one building — it’s about preserving the character and beauty of our neighborhood.” 

“Truly it feels like T-Mobile is trying to place this tower in my front yard,” said the homeowner located closest to the proposed cell tower site. Other neighbors joined her in expressing concerns about the tower’s placement, saying that it would jeopardize both home values and aesthetic harmony.

In response, a T-Mobile spokesperson stated that the telecom has tried to work with the community, but has been fenced in by both limited commercial zoning options and skyline restrictions. “This was not a one-sided decision of where to locate it,” the representative stated. “We originally worked with the town to figure out where the zoning code would allow it.”

At this time, it is unknown how T-Mobile will choose to proceed following the rejection by the Castle Rock Town Council, the News-Press reported.


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