To Pole or Not to Pole: U.K. Government Questions 5G Infrastructure


The 5G rollout in the U.K. is undergoing a contradiction over pole placement, reported The government is encouraging telcos to mitigate unnecessary pole placement while championing broadband coverage expansion, aiming for 85 percent connectivity by 2025.

Attempting to clear up the muddy waters, the U.K.’s Data and Digital Infrastructure Minister Julia Lopez penned a message to players such as Openreach, KCOM, and Virgin Media O2, advising them to toe the line or face investigations by Ofcom. 

“In light of increasing public concern, it is more important than ever for you to ensure that you are doing everything possible to explore the possibility of sharing existing infrastructure and underground network deployment before making the decision to use telegraph poles,” wrote Lopez. 

According to, the public concern equates to residents perceiving that they have no control over the deployment of poles in their neighborhoods. However, poles are necessary to accomplish the government’s gigabit-capable coverage goals. Lopez admits that they enable “deployment without costly and disruptive roadworks,” however, she’s encouraging operators to erect new infrastructure sparingly. 

“New telegraph poles should only be in cases where installing lines underground is not reasonably practicable, and only after ensuring that appropriate community engagement has taken place and that the siting of new infrastructure will not cause obstructions to traffic or unduly impact the visual amenity of the local area,” she added.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology is also attempting to appease all parties — communities and operators — with a new set of guidelines. The revisions would fall under the Cabinet Siting and Pole Siting Code of Practice, aiming to “bring faster connectivity and greater choice to consumers,” said Lopez. 

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