Black Hills Settle on Radio Tower Bid


Bidding launched by Lawrence County, SD for their Public Safety Center’s new radio tower project generated four viable applications for the county to review, reports the Black Hills Pioneer. VIKOR emerged as the winner with the second lowest submitted bid of $187,328.

Although Tower Systems Inc. came in lower at $170,522, the County Commissioners noted that the bid did not adhere to the required timeline and offered a five percent bid bond rather than the requested 10 percent.

When completed, the new radio tower is expected to stand 100-feet tall with an additional 10-foot lightning rod added. The tower will be self-supporting, anchored with a concrete base. The Lawrence County Public Safety Center is located in Deadwood, the county seat, and the new radio tower will occupy a site near the building on the east side of Highway 85. Placing the structure at that location will both place it in a direct line of sight with the existing Homestake Hill communications tower, and allow for additional antennas to support the dispatch center mobile control station.

Before moving ahead with the project, Lawrence County Deputy State’s Attorney Bruce Outka noted that there were a few other items to address. When asked about the anticipated extra cost of $10,000 to $12,000, he stated, “More than likely, because we’ll need FAA clearance on the tower. It’s a new site, my understanding is that we’re more than likely going to have an environmental impact study done, as well.”

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