Brookfield MARCS the Spot for New Cell Tower


Trumbull County, OH has one cell tower that users say is too short to get the job done efficiently. As the Tribune Chronicle reports, the county is looking into building a larger Multi-Agency Radio Communication Systems (MARCS) tower to correct the problem and address various dead spots. When complete, the proposed tower will stand 400 feet tall and occupy a pad on a 100-foot by 100-foot property in Brookfield that is already owned by the county.

The total cost of the project is expected to be $1.7 million. While local resources and American Rescue Plan monies will help fund the tower, Dick Miller, a MARCS field operations manager, indicated that the state may end up paying at least half of the cost of the tower.

The tower itself is expected to cost $750,000 with an additional $250,000 for the equipment shelter. The Motorola radio system used by emergency services adds another $625,700 to the bill. Miller noted that costs are not set in stone, and pre-construction costs and licensing could tack on another $75,000.

Many Ohio law enforcement communities already communicate via the MARCS system. Trumbull County is eager to upgrade its safety equipment to allow police, fire and rescue service personnel better and faster ways to reach people in need of emergency services. 

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