The FCC authorized Connect America Fund Phase II (Auction 903) support for 856 winning bids on Monday.
For each of the winning bids, the agency reviewed the long-form application information, including the letter(s) of credit and Bankruptcy Code opinion letter(s) from the long-form applicant’s legal counsel. The Commission will also soon post a state-level summary under the “Data” tab on the Auction 903 webpage.
The summary will provide for each long-form applicant, the total support amount over ten years and total number of locations that the long form applicant is being authorized for in each state. It will also list the total number of locations to which the authorized support recipient must offer the required voice and broadband services for each performance tier and latency in each state. The eligible census blocks included in the winning bids that are being authorized in each state are also included.
The Universal Service Administrative Company is now directed and authorized to disperse the amounts identified from the Universal Service Fund to the long-form applicants. The support will be disbursed in 120 monthly payments, which will begin at the end of this month.
Here’s a summary of the various obligations of authorized Auction 903 support recipients.
June 11, 2019
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