Agenda for the NEDAS 2021 Spring Virtual Symposium April 20-22


NEDAS, a grassroots association located at the intersection of wireline and wireless to improve communications infrastructure to the edge for buildings, municipalities, public safety, enterprise solutions, and more, announces its agenda and speaker lineup for the NEDAS 2021 Spring Virtual Symposium taking place April 20-22 from 12-2 p.m. ET each day. This program will provide attendees three partial days of presentations and three full days of networking and virtual showcase exhibits. 

The NEDAS Spring Virtual Symposium is honored to include an array of speakers from industry associations. The program kicks off on Tuesday, April 20, with a  “Fireside Chat: How Networks Enable Convergence”: 

  • Speakers: Michael Morey, CEO of Bluebird Network, and John Celentano, Business Editor at Inside Towers

A panel discussion on Tuesday titled “Wireless, Fiber, Power: Key Ingredients for Smart City Deployments”: 

  • Speakers: Keith Pennachio, Chief Strategy Officer and EVP of SQUAN, Walter Cannon, Vice President of Business Development of ZenFi Networks, Alex Gamota, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Information and Communication Technologies at Bigbelly, and moderated by Noel Garcia, Vice President of East Area Operations at Advantage Engineers; 

And a third panel titled “The Edge Can Be Healing”: 

  • Speakers: Carrie Goetz, CTO of StrategITcom, Leticia Latino, CEO of NEPTUNO USA, CORP, Julie Bushell, President of Paige Wireless and Katy Copsey, Program Manager at LeonardMcDowell.

Day two, Wednesday, April 21, begins with “Site Development, Team Building in the Converged Era; a one-on-one with DISH Networks.” 

  • Speakers: Carrie Charles, President of Broadstaff, and Nichole Thomas, Regional Vice President of DISH. 

Also on day two is a panel titled “Cybersecurity – Densification at the Edge/Vulnerabilities”: 

  • Speakers; Richard Hayton, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer of Trustonic, John Contestabile, Director of Public Safety Solutions at Skyline Technology Solutions, Fred Gordy, Director of Cyber Security and Managing Consultant at Intelligent Buildings LLC, Joel Rakow, CISO and Partner of Fortium Partners, and Ray Hild, Principal and Founder of Triangle Advisory. Concluding day two is an investor-focused presentation titled “Investor Perspectives: Digital Infrastructure Valuation Trends,” presented by Richard S. Lukaj, Senior Marketing Director of Bank Street. 

Day three, Thursday, April 22, features a “Fireside Chat: How Convergence Enables the Edge”: 

  • Speakers: Bernard Borghei, VP Operations and Co-Founder of Vertical Bridge, interviewed by Don Bishop, Executive Editor and Associate Publisher of AGL Media Group.  

A panel discussion follows, titled “The Shifting Role of Data Centers at the Network Edge”;

  • Speakers: Bruce Garrison, Chief Revenue Officer at Bluebird Network, Jeff Wabik of DC BLOX, and Tom Brown, CEO of DataGryd.

Capping off the event and the third day is a discussion titled “Evolving Shared Digital Infrastructure: Opportunities and Economies of Scale,”; 

  • Speakers: Ray LaChance, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ZenFi Networks with Colby Synesael, Managing Director of Cowen. 

Each day of the NEDAS Virtual Spring Symposium will feature a networking lounge, raffle giveaways, a virtual showcase, and evening networking events. On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, all NEDAS attendees and their families are invited to a Comedy Night event featuring Drew Tarvin – a notable stand-up comedian with an engineering and technology background. 

For more information about the 2021 NEDAS Virtual Symposium, please click here. To register for free, sign-up for sponsorship, or showcase an exhibit at the event, click here.

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