Bidders Set for 24 GHz Auction


The FCC deemed 38 applicants qualified to bid in the next 5G wireless spectrum auction. Bidding in the auction of millimeter wave spectrum in the 24 GHz band is slated to begin March 14.

Notable among the list of qualified bidders are: AT&T, T-Mobile, Windstream and U.S. Cellular. 

The list also indicates whether the applicant has claimed eligibility for a rural service provider or small business bidding credit. Twenty-two names grace the list of non-qualified bidders, including Cox Communications, Frontier Communications and Inland Cellular.

Auction 102 will offer 2,909 Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service licenses in the 24.25– 24.45 and 24.75–25.25 GHz (24 GHz) band. This auction follows on the heels of the 28 GHz band auction, in which nearly 3,000 licenses were awarded. It raised more than $700 million in winning bids.

February 27, 2019 

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