It’s a busy week for Boulder County, CO. as three proposals for communications towers were reviewed over two days.
First up was the Board of County Commissioners meeting and public hearing yesterday (Tuesday) at the Boulder County Courthouse. The hearing dealt with a possible amateur radio non-commercial tower at 2715 Eagle Rd., north of Lyons. Dayton L. Jones applied to build the adjustable-telescoping 65-foot tall tower.
One hour later, the county commissioners met with the public in the same meeting room to discuss regarded Mountain View Fire Rescue’s proposal to build an emergency communications radio tower at 6452 Somerset Drive. This tower, expected to be approved, is set to be 50-feet tall with a whip antenna.
After that the Boulder County Planning Commission held a public hearing for a proposed telecommunications tower at 2700 Lake Eldora Ski Rd., north of the Eldora Ski Area. The applicants on this possible 70-foot tall tower were Comment Four Corners, a Castle Rock-based LLC, according to also reported that Boulder County’s Land Use Department has recommended approval for all three projects, “as long as the applicants meet certain county-set conditions,” including some revisions. Property owners also have come forward, concerned about “visual aspects” of the towers.
The first adjustment on the Eagle Road tower is moving the 70-feet proposal to 65-feet, and Jones also has removed the guy wire supports in the proposal. Jones revised that “the tower would be at its full extended antenna height when the associated amateur radio station is being operated, which he said would only be about 10 percent of the time. At other times, the tower would be stowed at a total height, including antenna, of less than 35 feet,” said.
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