Comments Deadline Stretched to June 15 for Broadband Deployment Issues


The public has more time to comment on two FCC proceedings to speed wireless broadband deployment by removing regulatory barriers. CTIA, the Competitive Carriers Association, and the Wireless Infrastructure Association asked for the approximately one week extension. The FCC agreed, so now initial comments for both are due by June 15, and replies by July 17.  

Despite being adopted by the Commissioners in April, the two items, WT Docket No. 17-79 and WC Docket No. 17-84 were published on different days in the Federal Register, giving them separate comment deadlines. CTIA, CCA and WIA asked the agency to align deadlines for both, saying that would “promote the filing of uniform comments” benefitting stakeholders and the public.

Both proceedings share a common objective to address and remove federal, state, and local regulatory barriers that impede the deployment of network infrastructure needed to provide high-speed broadband. Dockets 17-79 and 17-84 address some issues that affect wireless providers and vice-versa. In both, the FCC asks for suggestions to streamline pole attachment regulations, specific to both wireless and wireline operators. By harmonizing the deadlines, the agency will receive fewer and more concise filings, according to the associations. File comments using this link.

May 31, 2017      

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