Communications Workers Union Says AT&T is Cutting Jobs in the Midwest


An investigation conducted recently by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) said AT&T, “despite making promises to create jobs and invest in rural communities” is, “cutting jobs and neglecting rural network improvements,” in the midwestern states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.

“AT&T has turned its back on rural and suburban communities in the Midwest by eliminating jobs, advocating for deregulation, and cutting investments in these areas,” said Linda L. Hinton, Vice President of CWA District 4. “We will not stand idly by while AT&T receives billions in tax benefits but turns a blind eye to our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. 

It’s time for AT&T to provide answers about where all that extra income is going.”

CWA claims AT&T has not upgraded its ”significantly damaged” copper network, for many the only source of landline phone and internet, converting to fiber.

The union has filed a complaint with the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUCO) based on a report showing more than 6,000 informal complaints PUCO received from AT&T customers relating to such issues since 2016. CWA is encouraging AT&T customers in the Midwest to share information about internet and phone service issues on a new website,, “so that elected leaders can better understand the problems that their constituents are facing and hold the AT&T accountable for its deteriorating network.”

CWA has filed reports for each state:

June 18, 2019        

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