Federated Wireless’ Spectrum Controller Gets American Tower Backing


Federated Wireless introduced what it says is the industry’s first controller for shared spectrum; the company also closed a $42 million round of Series B funding, including investments from partners American Tower Corporation, Charter Communications, ARRIS International plc and GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund.

Federated Wireless CEO Iyad Tarazi said the availability of the spectrum controller and the investment of the wireless industry partners will enable us to cement our leadership position and capitalize on the rapid industry shift to shared spectrum set to begin this year.”  

With the spectrum controller, several types of companies can leverage the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Services space when and where they need it, including: mobile operators, cable operators, broadband wireless access providers, managed service providers and enterprises across industries. The spectrum controller is an end-to-end solution for shared spectrum access, management and optimization, helping businesses to quickly and efficiently plan, optimize and monetize CBRS services, according to Federated Wireless. The system includes a nationwide sensor network that can identify and protect the federal agencies already using the 3.5 GHz band, to ensure defense and government communications aren’t impacted by commercial users.

“With the explosive growth of wireless data, it is imperative that the industry finds new and innovative ways to meet this demand cost effectively,” said Steven Marshall, President US Tower, a division of American Tower Corporation. “Federated Wireless has built a strong capability to facilitate access to the CBRS spectrum expected to be made available by the FCC shortly.” The tower company worked with Federated to develop in-building proprietary and shared wireless access networks that can enhance functionality and potentially develop new revenue streams for property owners.

The spectrum controller has conditional FCC certification and Federated Wireless anticipates full certification in January 2018. The company will continue to work with the FCC, Department of Defense, the Wireless Innovation Forum and CBRS Alliance to identify and develop additional use cases and applications.

September 15, 2017              

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