Inside Towers reported on Friday that Globe Telecom Inc. representatives were a “no-show” in deactivating a cell site in Cebu, Philippines, which has previously ordered by the city’s government. Now we know why. On Friday Globe secured a 72-hour temporary restraining order against the deactivation, according to GMA News Online. More specifically, the restraining order also was directed at the Cebu City Council, the Office of the Cebu City Mayor, the Barangay Chairman and the Calvary Hills Apas Residents’ Organization. The Globe has a lease on the property until July 14, 2017, which also was affirmed by the Cebu City Regional Trial Court. GMA News Online reports that the court found the deactivation to “disregard Globe’s constitutional right to due process of law.”
Representatives went to the cell site and found it compliant to standards, according to a statement from Globe. Residents of the Barangay Apas area disagree, stating that radiation from the site could cause cancer. Globe said that these were “defective and unsubstantiated findings” and the government’s revocation of the permit “would be an injustice to the company and its subscribers, particularly in Barangay Apas and neighboring areas such as the Maria Luisa Subdivision.”
Now that the restraining order is in place, the city can’t remove the cell site, even though it was padlocked and cordoned with yellow tape on Thursday.
Cebu Daily News reports that “Judge Estela Alma Singco of the Regional Trial Court Branch 12 also issued a ‘status quo’ order while asking for time to resolve the procedural issue raised by the Cebu city government within 20 days.”
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