The GSMA last week called on business leaders and policymakers to use the combination of mobile connectivity and smart technology to achieve net zero by 2050, and limit global heating to within 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. “Net zero” is an international objective agreed upon by the United Nations to eliminate greenhouse gas emission.
Smart technology could contribute 40 percent of the required carbon emissions savings for the world’s net zero goals according to research from the GSMA, backed by the Carbon Trust. Although the technology is in place, their study shows mobile connectivity and smart technology are significantly underused by energy-intensive industries, such as power and manufacturing. For instance, in the energy sector, connected technology is only used in around 35 percent of solar grids and 10 percent of wind grids globally.
Connected technology, the report says, is used in 1 percent of factories across the manufacturing sector globally. And yet, these technologies could help fulfil almost 40 percent of the cuts required in carbon emissions by 2030, if these industries are to reach net zero by 2050.
GSMA’s Director General, Mats Granryd, said, “The risk is that without smart technology used widely, the world will miss 2050 net zero commitments. Business leaders and policymakers must act now to harness the power of mobile technology and connectivity as a key lever in the global race to net zero. As low and zero-carbon technology evolves, people might think we will need to rely on future technology solutions to meet net zero goals. At the GSMA, we disagree. We believe that many of the smart tools and technology needed to drive down carbon emissions, especially in the energy sector, already exist – they just aren’t being used to their full potential.”
The GSMA research focuses on four energy-intensive industries, including energy, transport, buildings, and manufacturing. It shows how increased connectivity and mobile technology can enable global savings of around 11 gigatonnes of carbon emissions by 2030. These savings are the same as decommissioning 2,700 coal-fired power stations.
As political and business leaders from across the world convene in Glasgow next week for COP26, the GSMA encouraged leaders to consider its latest research that shows how existing technology can dramatically reduce carbon emissions and increase energy efficiency.
Without using connected grid technology, carbon emission savings would be approximately 10 percent less – equating to an additional 1 gigatonnes of unnecessary CO2 by 2030.
On Wednesday, November 3, the GSMA will host an event and panel discussion with industry leaders: #MobileNetZero – How can mobile tech help us reach Net Zero faster, easier and cheaper? To register and find out more information, click here.
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