Industries were quick to praise yesterday’s FCC action on pole attachments (see today’s top story). The National Association of Tower Erectors said the adoption of a one-touch make-ready (OTMR) policy will significantly enhance efforts to ease broadband deployment by reducing costs and expediting the process associated with attaching new network facilities to utility poles.
“I would like to thank the FCC for keeping their foot on the gas for 5G deployment. The industry will continue to flourish under lighter regulation,” said NATE Chairman Jim Tracy. “NATE member companies are on the front lines densifying networks and installing equipment on utility pole structures on a daily basis and will experience first-hand how today’s action will serve to streamline installation activities moving forward,” added Tracy.
The Wireless Infrastructure Association referenced the Commission’s stance that makes it clear state and local moratoria on wireless infrastructure deployment will be prohibited. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said that was a recommendation of the FCC’s Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee, assuring members they would not just be “marking time.”
WIA President/CEO Jonathan Adelstein, who’s on the BDAC, called the FCC’s action “a strong step” to expand broadband deployment. “Next generation 5G technology will require the deployment of many more facilities.” He said yesterday’s action “will lower one of the barriers to infrastructure deployment and help all local communities reap the benefits of wireless broadband.”
CTIA SVP for Regulatory Affairs Scott Bergmann stated, “The Commission’s ruling clarifying that moratoria are prohibited under the Communications Act will help accelerate network investment for business and consumers, generate billions of dollars for the U.S. economy and create jobs across the country.”
August 3, 2018
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