NATE Survey Shows Workforce Shortages


A breakdown of NATE’s recent membership survey shows the data was pulled from a cross-section of the industry which mirrors the profile of NATE member companies: 

  • 87 percent of the companies have 75 or < employees
  • 11 percent of the companies have 76 to 350 employees
  • 2 percent of the companies have > 351 employees

“The survey results provide NATE with current data to promote the industry as a viable and necessary career pathway and to tell our story of the available jobs and opportunities that lead to upward mobility in our thriving industry,” said NATE Workforce Consultant Dr. Gemma Frock. “In the coming months, NATE looks forward to leveraging and promoting this data in targeted outreach to members of Congress, federal and state government stakeholders, community college/technical institutes and private-sector companies in order to move the needle on attracting  a new pipeline of skilled workers in the industry,” added Dr. Frock.  

Respondents were asked how many tower workers they could hire and in what positions to meet current/future business needs. The results showed that well over 5,000 workers, Tower Techs 1 & 2, Line Leads, Foremen and Riggers could start their training tomorrow if accessible. The biggest hindrance, the survey said, to hiring workers is their lack of availability.

Excessive travel, proved to be the number one reason, at 46 percent, for leaving a company. That was closely followed by a new career opportunity, physical limitations and fear of heights, both at 23 percent.

Most of the respondents, 92 percent, had in-house training, while half said they rely on the services offered by the National Wireless Safety Alliance. About a quarter of the companies have apprenticeship programs and 21 percent use a local education program and internships.

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