On Monday, the Healdsburg City Council met via Zoom to review a land lease agreement between the city and Verizon Wireless to construct a 76-foot tall tower disguised as a broadleaf tree. The Healdsburg Tribune reported the 4G LTE project is controversial.
Proposed in December 2020, the project has come under scrutiny by at least 50 concerned residents. They submitted feedback to the clerk’s office saying, “No thank you” regarding the proposal. Additionally, a petition was submitted to the council opposing the tower, including 42 signatures.
The proposal stated, “We believe for safety reasons that this tower should not be located within 300 feet of residential homes and 1,000 feet of a school playground.” It also indicated that the tower should be no more than 20-feet high as it would otherwise become an “unattractive public nuisance.”
The council has struggled to obtain a definitive answer from the city and planning commission’s authority on height limits for the tower. Outcomes of the meeting were not available prior to publishing, according to The Healdsburg Tribune.
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