The expansion of the Davis Community retirement complex in Porters Neck, NC will take over land currently occupied by a water tower and its complement of antennas. As reported by Port City Daily, TowerCo 2013, LLC has applied to build a new home for the AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon lessees. The proposal suggests a 150-foot monopole with room for four carriers. The sixty by sixty foot pad hosting the tower will be secreted within a larger property.
During a review of the proposal by the New Hanover County Planning Board, board member Jordy Rawl commented, “I don’t think anyone’s ever looked at the skyline and said, ‘The only thing that’s missing is a 150-foot metal pole.’”
Attorney Karen Kimmerite responded, “The only reason why we’re here with a new cell tower application is because we have to find a solution for the situation, in which the water tank is being removed,” reported Port City Daily. Kimmerite also pointed out that the new tower would support the nationwide FirstNet responder network administered by AT&T. Continue Reading
A 12-acre parcel which abuts the retirement community property was purchased by the complex’s owner in expectation of the need to construct a new cell tower. Kimmerite assured attendees that the project was reviewed by the Army Corp of Engineers and would have little impact on the environment or the review currently enjoyed by community residents. While some minor misgivings were expressed by board members, TowerCo 2013, LLC’s proposal was unanimously accepted.
“It is unfortunate that it’s so unsightly,” noted Chairman Paul Boney. “But I think the majority of the population now carries a cell phone.”
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