T-Mobile Announces the Next 25 Hometown Grant Recipients


In a continuation of its $25M in funding for small-town community developments projects over the next five years, T-Mobile announced another 25 recipients. The money can be used as the community sees fit and ranges from building parks to building fiberglass bird sculptures. (Click here to see the full list of towns and projects.). To select Hometown Grant recipients, T-Mobile worked with Main Street America and Smart Growth America.

T-Mobile said it will announce new Hometown Grant recipients on a quarterly basis — every town in America that has a population of fewer than 50,000 people. The carrier said any town with a vision for how to make their community even stronger than it is today is encouraged to apply. The carrier announced the first batch of 25 Hometown Grants in September, when it also named Woodstock, Illinois, the first Hometown Techover winner and recipient of $3 million in technology upgrades.

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