The Total Number of Launched 5G Networks Reaches 176


The Global mobile Supplier Association (GSA*) announced in the 5G Market Update Report that 176 commercial 5G networks have been launched worldwide. The study found that by mid-August 2021, 461 operators in 137 countries/territories were investing in 5G, including trials, acquisition of licences, planning, network deployment and launches. This number excludes nearly 200 additional companies awarded spectrum in the U.S. CBRS PAL auction, which could potentially be used for 5G. Of those, a total of 176 operators in 72 countries/territories had launched one or more 3GPP-compliant 5G services.

Joe Barrett, GSA’s President, said, “The continued growth in available devices and live networks shows that 5G is well on track to become a global success.”

Barrett said the report showed that 166 operators in 67 countries/territories had launched 3GPP-compliant 5G mobile services. 63 operators in 34 countries/territories had launched 3GPP-compliant 5G FWA or home broadband services. 

Other findings included:

  • Five operators had announced soft launches of their 5G networks that are not counted in the above launch figures.
  • Thirteen operators had launched commercial public 5G SA networks (plus one possible launch to be confirmed). 45 others are planning/deploying 5G SA for public networks, and 23 operators are involved in tests/trials.
  • GSA has catalogued 938 announced 5G devices, up by 350 from 588 in six months.
  • GSA has identified 450 announced 5G phones, up from 351 in January 2021.

*not related to the GSMA

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