Tower Numerics: Tower Design Made Easy With New Software


Tower Numerics’ software solution, tnxTower, was developed specifically for the tower industry, and has been the “go to” for tower design for over 17 years. Tower Numerics is committed to providing tools and solutions that assist with tower analysis and design for an ever-growing industry.  

The mission of Tower Numerics is to computerize the tower design process; in fact, the company focuses exclusively on bringing design solutions to the tower industry. Tower Numerics software serves anyone involved with tower design – engineering firms, tower owners (large and small firms), fabricators, governments (federal and local), plus carriers in both the United States and across all continents.

Tower Numerics founder Peter Chojnacki has over 20 years of design experience focused largely on developing structural design software for the tower industry. “Tower design very often entails fast turnarounds, which requires dedicated and efficient software tools. We are committed to providing that software with our tnxTower solution. While very sophisticated under the hood, the program communicates with the user through a clear, easy to understand interface. Tower designers benefit from it by being more productive and responsive to their clients’ needs. That’s something that we’re proud of here at Tower Numerics,” said Chojnacki.   

What makes tnxTower software unique? The key differentiators are the streamlined interface and the fact that the software was originally created to specifically serve the tower industry. Its modular design makes data entry a breeze and the program can handle even the most demanding tower design projects quickly. Plus, tnxTower generates analysis and design reports that have become a standard within the industry due to their completeness and clarity.  

Additionally, the Tower Numerics team continuously solicits feedback from users to implement capability enhancements to the software, making its customers’ lives easier and more efficient. “It is very important to be in contact with your clients, and close to the current issues in the design community,” said Chojnacki.  

One of the forthcoming updates will be an implementation of the new version of the tower structural Standard: TIA-222-H, effective on January 1, 2018. Tower Numerics intimately understands the new TIA-222-H Standard, as Chojnacki served as the Chairman of the TR14 Committee’s Analysis Group. In addition, a new program, tnxFoundation, intended specifically for the design of tower foundations, will be released soon. It will be interoperable with tnxTower, allowing users to automatically transfer tower analysis data to the foundation design application.

According to Chojnacki, the company is just getting started. “There are many underserved areas that require communications for different purposes, such as voice, consumer data usage, and Internet of Things facilities. This will require new capacity and new infrastructure. Further, telecom innovation frequently drives equipment configuration changes, which in turn require structural evaluation of supporting towers. I’m very optimistic about the future of our industry, and I feel very fortunate that I can continue contributing to it. We at Tower Numerics look forward to serving tower designers in many years to come,” said Chojnacki.

Tower Numerics is headquartered in Lexington, MA. For more information or to contact the company, visit

By Keara Piekanski, Inside Towers

November 13, 2017               

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