The ‘Uncarrier’ Plans to Continue to Break the Rules


Competitive Carriers Association 2017 Annual Convention

Back in 2012, all wireless carriers were essentially the same. T-Mobile was number four and coming out of a failed merger with AT&T, said T-Mobile EVP Customer Care Callie Field. “Our employees were demoralized. We knew we had to change,” she told attendees at the Competitive Carriers Association show in Ft. Worth, Texas yesterday.

“That is where the ‘uncarrier’ was born. We knew we’d break the rules of wireless.” At the time, Field said, “the wireless industry was stupid, broken and arrogant. Change represented an opportunity for us. T-Mobile declared ‘carriers inflict pain.’ The uncarrier removes that pain.”

The carrier eliminated things their customers didn’t like. The rest of the industry told T-Mobile “you’re crazy,” she said. Now the others have unlimited data and contracts. T-Mobile’s customers “have more than doubled” in the past few years and it’s adding brick and mortar retail stores, more than 2,000 in the past three years.

Turning to the incentive auction spectrum, T-Mobile has been building-out 600 MHz sites and will have two 600 MHz handsets out by year-end, she said. What does the future hold? Doubling down on the customer experience. “We’re going to continue to meet our customers where they are on their own terms.”

Field was introduced by Steve Berry, President & CEO of CCA who thanked attendees for helping celebrate the association’s 25 years in existence. “CCA has become a major player in the policy arena in Washington,” Berry said, “and I’m pleased to say that our work has been noticed not just by our members, but by some other VIPs as well.”

October 26, 2017   

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