According to Verizon, it will be collaborating with Honda to study how 5G and edge computing can work together to better communications between pedestrians, automobiles, and infrastructure. For tower developer Digital Locations (DLOC) President and CEO, Bill Beifuss, the collaboration will be increased tower builds by his company.
“Digital Locations is primed to support Verizon and Honda’s mission as most of our 5G sites are situated on roads and highways throughout the country,” Beifuss said. “These strategically located assets could make it much easier for carriers and car companies to gather and process vital data at the edge.”
To meet project goals, DLOC suggests that placing extra cell towers every few hundred feet along roadways would speed communication and save lives. “The recent agreement between Honda and Verizon comes as very welcome news to Digital Locations,” explained Beifuss. “The major carriers need a creative and streamlined solution to identify and activate real estate sites that can support such an increased demand in 5G infrastructure. Our more than 110,000 pre-qualified wireless cell sites and patented software makes it easy for carriers to identify, analyze and activate sites to meet the increased demand for 5G.”
“In my decades of experience as a real estate developer and executive, I’ve never seen an opportunity as exciting as 5G cell towers,” Beifuss said. “The market is huge and the demand is high. The cash-rich customers are ready, and the government is making it a national priority.”
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