White House Said to Be Preparing Boost to 5G Deployment


The White House is expected to take action in the coming weeks to boost U.S. 5G deployment and artificial intelligence. The plan would offer the “first deliverables” of a law passed by the previous Congress that laid out a plan to improve U.S. work on Quantum technology, an administration official told The Hill.

Lawmakers and security experts have long raised concerns that China is beating the U.S. in the race to implement 5G and AI. 

The White House plan is expected to include executive orders from President Donald Trump that will funnel resources toward improving AI and 5G technology, the Wall Street Journal reported.

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday night, Trump noted that he supports investing in the, “industries of the future,” reportedly a nod to 5G and AI. The administration is expected to push for increased spending on researching and developing new technologies and using governmental data to improve artificial intelligence, according to the Journal.

During a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday, senators raised concerns that China could win the race to 5G, and that Chinese telecom giants such as ZTE and Huawei could hack U.S. 5G technology, Inside Towers reported. Ranking Member Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), said: “We must be certain that there is a secure supply chain backing up our 5G system,” with no “back-door into these networks.” She called on the Trump administration to provide Congress with “a real, quantifiable 5G threat assessment.”  Comments? Email Us.

February 8, 2019   

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