Winning Bidders in The 3.5 GHz Auction Are…


Verizon Wireless was the big winner in the FCC’s recent auction of Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) licenses. The telecom bid more than $1.89 billion for Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the 3550-3650 MHz band (Auction 105), the FCC said Tuesday. The agency explained the auction made available the greatest number of spectrum licenses ever in a single FCC auction.

Dish Network, using the name Wetterhorn Wireless, committed the second-highest amount of money — over $912.9 million. Charter Communications, Comcast and Cox Communications rounded out the top five, bidding more than $464 million, $458 million and $212 million, respectively.

By license count, Dish won the largest amount at 5,492 PALs. SAL Spectrum LLC came in second at 1,569 PALs. AMG Technology Investment Group was next at 1,072 licenses. Windstream Services and XF Wireless Investment/Comcast rounded out the top five at 1,014 PALs and 830 PALs, respectively.  

Auction 105 gross proceeds reached $4,585,663,345, with net proceeds totaling $4,543,232,339. A total of 228 bidders won 20,625 of 22,631, or more than 91.1 percent, of available licenses.  

In a notice, the agency spelled out the next steps for auction winners. Click here to read their names. The Commission also spelled out payment deadlines and instructions for filing long-form applications, as well as other post-auction procedures needed for the prompt issuance of licenses.

Post-auction long-form license applications are due by 6 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) on September 17. This is also the deadline for each winning bidder to submit a down payment, equaling 20 percent of the aggregate net amount of its winning bids, via wire transfer to the FCC. Final payments are due by 6 p.m. ET on October 1.   

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