Centerline Accelerates Through Strategic Acquisition and Integration


The overarching “thesis” of Centerline’s platform is to be a design, build and maintenance firm that services wireless, wireline and critical infrastructure projects.

It’s a comprehensive offering, but it blossomed from simpler roots. Joshua Delman, President and CEO at Centerline, founded the company in 2006 as a regional site acquisition firm in the Boston area.

However, he had no intention of stopping there. Centerline aggressively invested every dollar it made back into the business so it could add solutions, hire quality professionals, and expand its geography to serve a diversified customer base.

“We had a vision to expand our services into tower and maintenance work, and to expand our geography beyond the East Coast,” Delman said. “That was the strategy the executive team and I had for the better part of 10 years.”

Now, Delman says Centerline is a “full-service” and “turnkey” organization, with in-house specialties across wireless services, technical infrastructure, and network facilities management, plus a new focus on electric vehicle (EV) charging.


Centerline’s quest for diversification has involved the acquisition of more than a dozen companies. In fact, it hit high gear in the last two years, purchasing and integrating six companies. The additions helped broaden its services and customers and expand its geographic footprint in the southeast and western U.S., and even into Canada.

“Josh and the leadership team have done an incredible job partnering and acquiring founder led organizations that keep customers’ needs front and center,” said Kasey Noe, who handles Brand Strategy and Communications for Centerline. “Each company fits in with our seamless solutions strategy from design and build, all the way through maintenance.”

“We were very aggressive with our acquisitions,” Delman said. “Each of them was very strategic in adding value to the platform.”

The surge in acquisitions began in August 2021 with the purchase of Maicom LLC, which expanded Centerline into the critical network facility space on the inside plant side. It supports the networks of major cable companies, such as Comcast and Charter, through a national footprint.

Also in 2021, the purchase of P. Marshall & Associates, LLC (PM&A) was Centerline’s entrance into self-performing a larger percentage of their engineering work for wireless companies. It had a presence in the southeast, south central, and the pacific northwest regions.

Late in 2021, Centerline acquired J5 Infrastructure Partners, which performs site acquisition, engineering services, and fiber network design. The acquisition gave Centerline an entrance into the West Coast region, plus the northwest Rockies, the southwest and Hawaii.

Also in the west, Centerline picked up Leaf Communications early in 2022. This purchase added site acquisition services, engineering services, and in-building wireless services focused on public safety. That same month, Centerline purchased STC Netcom, which provides tower construction, modifications, and line and antenna services in California and Nevada.

The most recent acquisition was Pearson Pelletier Telecom, based in Quebec, Canada. The tower construction, modification and maintenance company helped Centerline move into Canada, adding Rogers Communications, Telus Communications and Bell Canada to its customer list.


Through all of the acquisitions, Centerline amassed several brands. It is currently in the optimization stage of its recent rebrand.

The brands for Notora LLC, Onsite Communication Services, Inc., J5 Infrastructure Partners, Leaf Communications, STC Netcom, and Waveguide Solutions LLC were combined under the Centerline brand, with a focus on wireless, wireline, and in-building services. Meanwhile, Battery Power Systems was rolled into the Maicom brand, focusing on ISP, network and data facilities, EV, and critical infrastructure.

“We saw the opportunity to streamline our brand architecture. We identified the legacy brands that, moving forward, will add value to the platform as well,” said Delman. In addition to its newly consolidated identities, Centerline’s family of brands includes P. Marshall & Associates, LLC; Maicom LLC; Penta Communications; Pearson Pelletier Telecom; Maiuri Electrical Corporation; and Skyline Engineering.

“The rebrand refines the Centerline story,” according to Noe, adding that it hones its internal communications, uniting employees. “We anticipate this initiative will improve collaboration across our teams, simplify our company messaging, and deliver an even better client experience,” agreed Delman.


From the summer of 2021 to today, Centerline grew from 300 employees to 1,600 and became a new, expanded version of itself. Included in that number, the company has more than 1,200 technicians spread out across North America. Delman is proud of the growth but understands the significance of successful integration.

“We’ve been working hard to integrate the companies,” Delman said. “I couldn’t be more pleased with the team and how much work we’ve taken on in a short period of time to streamline the businesses and their respective cultures.”

The overriding reason for diversifying, according to Delman, is the demand from customers for more services. “The business models that are thriving today are turnkey,” he said. “The more you can do, the more opportunities you will have. We believe that’s the winning strategy.”

For more information, reach out to Kasey Noe at [email protected].

By J. Sharpe Smith, Inside Towers Technology Editor

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