screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-9-34-17-am“There’s no daily news publication serving the tower industry.”

That’s how the idea began in April of 2013, at a broadcasters’ convention in Las Vegas. Eddie Esserman and George Reed had been developing towers for over a decade, though it was not their primary business (media brokerage and broadcasting). There were great daily wireless telco publications, but none targeted specifically to wireless infrastructure.

They decided it give it a whirl. Kristen Sibbitt was hired, fresh from graduating Florida State, to write a tower blog over the summer. They had to first determine if there really was as much tower news as they thought.

There was. And on October 23, 2013, Inside Towers was launched. It took off.

Inside Towers was truly a serendipitous venture for us. Little did we know we’d grow from a couple hundred subscribers to over 8,000 this morning,” says Esserman.

Inside Towers is now the premier marketing vehicle to the wireless infrastructure industry. Reed explained, “Our readers are the ‘Who’s Who.’ Jim Fryer signed on as Editor earlier this year, bringing decades of tower expertise and journalistic training.”

On the occasion of our third birthday, we at Inside Towers pause to say thanks to you, our loyal readers and advertisers, for your support. Today we are the first read of the day for what’s going on in the tower world, and we are grateful for that support. Our editorial team scours the world of towers to bring you the best stories each morning, and our sales team strives to bring your message at a good value to industry decision makers.

We’ve had a wild first three years together. And the best is yet to come. Thank you from the base of our Tower.