Comment on FCC’s Proposed Cybersecurity IoT Labels


The FCC is taking public comments on a proposed rule concerning cybersecurity labeling for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The agency wants to improve consumer confidence and understanding of the security of their connected devices. 

The Commission proposes a voluntary cybersecurity labeling program that would provide easily understood, accessible information to consumers on the relative security of an IoT device or product. At the same time, the FCC hopes the labeling would assure consumers that manufacturers of devices bearing the Commission’s IoT cybersecurity label adhere to widely accepted cybersecurity standards.  

The Commission’s cybersecurity labeling program would help consumers compare IoT devices and make informed purchasing decisions and drive consumers toward purchasing devices with greater security. The FCC hopes it would incentivize manufacturers to meet higher cybersecurity standards to meet market demand, and encourage retailers to market secure devices. The proposed IoT label would offer a trusted, government-backed symbol for devices that comply with IoT cybersecurity standards. 

Federal Register publication triggered the due dates. Comments are due on or before September 25, and replies are due on or before October 10, to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau’s PS Docket No. 23–239.

By Leslie Stimson, Inside Towers Washington Bureau Chief

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