Damaged Fiber Optic Equipment Sparks Lawsuit in Wisconsin


According to a lawsuit filed by WEC Energy Group subsidiaries, Wisconsin Public Service Corp. and We Energies, Tilson Technology Management crews damaged fiber optic equipment nine times in the year between August 2022 and August 2023. The Green Bay Press Gazette notes that Tilson has worked with Madison, WI-based TDS Telecom (NYSE: TDS)  to bring high-speed internet service to Wisconsin homes and businesses in the Green Bay and Appleton areas. The WEC companies are seeking $20,000 for damage they say Tilson caused by careless digging. 

“Anyone who digs without following appropriate safety precautions — including calling 811 at least three business days before digging — puts themselves and others at risk of outages, costly repairs, fines or serious injuries,” said Matthew Cullen on behalf of WEC Energy Group. “Our customers should not be expected to pay for damage that could have been avoided. This filing is a step to recover our costs and protect our customers.” 

Wisconsin Statute 182.0175 mandates that digging crews call 811 at least three days before tackling a project that involves breaking ground near telecommunication, natural gas, electricity, water and sewer pipes, reports the Green Bay Press Gazette. The lawsuit asserts that Tilson violated the statute and forced Wisconsin Public Service Corp. and We Energies to conduct repairs ranging from $520 to $8,036.

Although Tilson declined to go into the matter in detail given that there is a lawsuit pending, a company spokesman did comment that crews routinely encounter mismarked or unmarked utility lines despite their efforts to conduct safe digs.

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