Deutsche Telekom Believes T-Mobile Can Survive on Its Own


Although Deutsche Telekom is open to consolidation among the major mobile carriers in the U.S., they also believe that T-Mobile can survive on its own. Deutsche Telekom AG’s  Timotheus Hoettges, who helped engineer the merger of T-Mobile US Inc. with rival MetroPCS Communications Inc. two years ago, said a recovering outlook in the U.S. means the business can go it alone, at least for now, Bloomberg reported. “We have a standalone position which is good and which we’re building out,” Hoettges, the former Deutsche Telekom head of finance who is into his third month as chief executive officer, said at an earnings press conference in Bonn today. “You can’t build your planning on a potential transaction. It’s really difficult to judge.” (Source: Bloomberg) With T-Mobile’s CEO John Legere making headlines, encouraging people to “break up” with their mobile carriers, and rebranding the company an “uncarrier,” it suggests that the Deutsche Telekom CEO might just be right. Especially, with Sprint’s CEO making headlines himself.

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