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Don’t Wait for Disaster to Strike Your Sites


Reliable, efficient, resilient. That’s how networks should be for communications service continuity and public safety. Yet in the face of increasing demand and unexpected challenges like equipment failures or natural disasters, it isn’t always that simple.  

Westell is a provider of high-performance network infrastructure monitoring solutions. With millions of products deployed worldwide, Westell is a trusted partner for transforming networks into high-quality, reliable systems, according to Amy Walther, Vice President of Sales and Business Development, Westell.

With over 35 years of experience, the company has tailored its monitoring products and software to meet the needs of both small and large telecom operators.

First-Level Triage, Without Techs

Westell monitors critical network infrastructure sites, explained Walther. These sites include telecommunications infrastructure, data centers, and increasingly, broadband networks. While the company’s solutions are used across both wireless and wireline networks, Walther notes that wireless companies, which have more readily available funding, tend to invest more proactively in infrastructure monitoring. This beats the alternative of reacting when something inevitably breaks. 

The primary goal of Westell’s Intelligent Site Management (ISM) solutions is to provide visibility into remote locations where the traditional method of sending technicians to monitor and maintain sites is no longer feasible. Technicians now manage hundreds of sites, compared to just a few dozen in the past. “It’s really great to be able to give these people visibility,” Walther said, emphasizing that Westell’s hardware and software enable remote monitoring and first-level triage without needing a technician on-site, which also decreases expensive and time-consuming truck rolls. 

Watch ISM Remote Monitoring video here

Avoiding “Alarm Fatigue”

One of the core strengths of Westell’s system is its ability to manage vast amounts of data and alerts through customizable thresholds. “Custom thresholds are important as every customer likes to set their thresholds differently,” explained Walther. Given the variety of environmental conditions across different locations, from the hot and humid climates of Florida, to the cooler, drier conditions in New York, the ability to tailor alert thresholds is imperative. For example, in Florida, setting a humidity-based alert would be impractical because the humidity levels are constantly high.   

Telecom companies often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of alarms coming from their networks, according to Walther. “Westell helps streamline the management of these alarms, allowing companies to prioritize what requires immediate attention and what can be handled later,” she said. “Even though they set up their thresholds and rules, there are still millions of alarms coming into those locations every day.” By helping telecom companies identify critical alarms, Westell helps prevent network issues from escalating into full-blown outages.

The Role of ISM in Natural Disasters

Natural disasters, from hurricanes to wildfires, present a significant challenge to network reliability at a time when the public and first responders need it most. For telecom companies, losing power across multiple sites during an emergency is a nightmare scenario, said Walther. Westell’s ISM solutions, which include power monitoring for both commercial power and backup systems, help companies stay ahead of these disasters. “Whether monitoring battery backups, generators, or commercial power, having real-time visibility into the power status of network sites is crucial,” says Walther. 

During events like Super Storm Sandy, Walther recalls how telecom companies struggled with power outages across multiple sites, running generators for days, and facing delays in fuel deliveries. “That was what really triggered companies to realize this should never happen again. They realized they needed deeper insights into their networks,” Walther explained.

By providing real-time data on power usage, fuel levels, and the condition of backup systems, Westell’s ISM solutions allow telecom operators to make critical decisions in critical times. They can prioritize fuel deliveries to the sites at risk of losing power and keep their networks operational when it matters most.

Fuel Monitoring and Generator Management

A standout feature of Westell’s ISM solution is its fuel monitoring and generator management capabilities. During a power outage, knowing how much fuel is left in each generator is essential for maintaining operations. According to Walther, “There have been instances where fuel companies have said, ‘Oh, I gave you a full tank,’ but in reality, only received 75 gallons.” Westell’s system monitors fuel levels and tracks how much fuel is added during refills to prevent fraud.

Westell has also developed technology to remotely manage generators, including adjusting the schedule for running genset start up checks. This feature is especially valuable for companies that want to reduce fuel usage by running their generators less frequently. 

For smaller telecom operators, Westell’s solutions offer a way to manage remote sites more effectively without the need for large field tech teams and budgets. “Smaller companies can’t afford as many technicians,” Walther noted. Westell tailors its solutions accordingly, to more limited resources. While large companies often have sophisticated systems in place, smaller operators are starting to recognize the value of investing in monitoring tools before disaster strikes. And Walther warns, “Don’t wait for something to happen to say, ‘We really should have implemented this before.’”

The Imperative to be Proactive

Westell’s commitment to proactive network monitoring is clear. By providing operators with the tools to manage their infrastructure remotely, set custom thresholds, and monitor power systems during emergencies, the company is helping the telecom industry ensure network reliability in even the most challenging conditions. 

Like in many other verticals, the increasing role of AI in telecom networks is becoming more apparent. It’s driving companies to seek more advanced monitoring solutions. Westell’s systems help bridge the gap by offering detailed, customizable visibility to ensure operators can monitor their networks effectively, reduce costs, and improve disaster response.

As Walther aptly puts it, the key takeaway for telecom companies is simple: “Plan ahead for natural disasters to have a better recovery path. Don’t wait for a disaster to learn the lesson about remote monitoring.”

Don’t wait until it’s too late, learn more about Westell remote site monitoring and remote terminal units. Ready to get started? Contact us today to get access to your remote sites! 

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