ERI Names Lisa Holcomb Account Manager for Western U.S.


Electronics Research Inc. (ERI), a provider of broadcast products and services, has hired Lisa Holcomb as its new Account Manager for the Western U.S. Holcomb will sell ERI products and services to radio and television stations across the region, from the Pacific coast to Texas, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Her accomplishments include holding senior-level sales and marketing positions with Chase Bank for over 25 years, earning a master’s degree in marketing and finance from Ball State University and serving as the lead investigator for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the last 29 years.  

ERI VP U.S. Sales Peggy Hunt said, “We are thrilled to have Lisa on board. She is a sales professional with proven expertise in account development, team leadership, and promotional planning. She knows how to build customer rapport and successful partnerships. She also has outstanding presentation and marketing skills.”

Holcomb will be based at ERI’s headquarters and manufacturing facility in Chandler, IN.

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