FCC to Hold Local Nationwide WEA Tests in September


The FCC plans to hold multiple local tests of Wireless Emergency Alerts nationwide on September 12 and 13. For the first time, the agency has entered into partnerships with 42 state and local government agencies to assess WEA’s geographic accuracy.

The Commission also contacted wireless carriers, asking them to provide information on their performance in those tests. The agency wants to ensure that the alerts, which have been used more than 70,000 times to warn the public about dangerous weather, missing children, and other critical situations—are geographically accurate, timely, and reliable. 

“Wireless Emergency Alerts are a life-saving tool, but emergency managers tell us that they need more information on the geographic accuracy of these alerts in order to use them with confidence,” said Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “Simply put, public safety officials want to know that the alerts will reliably reach the public throughout—but not beyond—targeted areas during emergencies. These local tests, which are the latest in a recent series of FCC efforts to strengthen Wireless Emergency Alerts, will provide stakeholders with greater insight into alert performance so that this tool can be used to its fullest potential to help keep communities safe.”  

How the Local Tests Will Work

Each state and local agency that is partnering with the FCC will send a WEA to the public in a targeted local area of its choosing at a specified time on either September 12 or 13. The alert will sound and appear on compatible mobile devices using participating wireless networks in that area. 

The alert message will make clear that it’s only a test and contain a link for the recipient to complete a survey about their receipt of the alert. Each agency will have a control group of volunteers in the targeted geographic area complete the survey, and members of the public may also do so. 

The tests are intended to assess the geographic accuracy of the alerts in addition to other performance factors, including reliability and speed. The state and local agencies will conduct outreach to raise public and stakeholder awareness of their tests. Backup dates for the test are September 19 and 20.

Test Partners

The FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau issued an Order that will enable state and local agency partners to conduct the WEA tests to the public. The trials will occur in a geographically diverse range of areas. View test partners here.

FCC Efforts to Strengthen WEA

Last year, the FCC partnered with 11 federal, state, and local agencies to assess the delivery of WEA in areas across the country during an opt-in nationwide test, Inside Towers reported. The FCC used survey data from this partnership to assess the timeliness and success of alert delivery. The upcoming tests will now assess the accuracy of geographically targeted alerts. In addition, this April, the FCC proposed rules to strengthen the effectiveness of WEA, through public reporting on the reliability, speed, and accuracy of alerts. 

By Leslie Stimson, Inside Towers Washington Bureau Chief

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