Go Ask Alice … About Vultures


Residents in Alice, TX would likely have few kind words for the large, disruptive birds. Cell towers are a tempting spot for the creatures to roost, and once they become neighbors, they are difficult to dislodge. A group of vultures can be referred to as a “wake,” a “kettle,” or a “committee” but to those living next door, they are a “messy annoyance,” according to KRIS-TV.

“My backyard gets full of that [bird poop] and so does the top of my house. My vehicle – we had to make a porch ‘cause I was having to wash my car like three or four times a week,” said Alice resident Zulema Zamora. “In the beginning, we didn’t have a problem with the birds,” she continued, “And then all of a sudden, they just started coming in. This is every year. We can’t sit outside. You can’t [do] nothing.”

Loud noise is one of the few things people can do to discourage the birds. The City of Alice has advised residents that it will be setting off flash bang charges several times over the next week in hopes of getting the vultures to leave.

“Black vultures are state protected,” Game Warden, Captain Ben Baker told KRIS-TV “They’re a protected, non-game bird. They are also federally protected due to the migratory act. You can’t kill them. You can’t shoot at them. You can’t hunt them.”

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