Gonzales County, TX has published plans for a new Radio Communications System Improvements project, including three new towers, two new shelters, and three emergency backup generators. The Gonzales Inquirer reported that 27 interested parties have registered on CivCast and downloaded the plan.
The deadline for expressing interest is September 12 at 2 p.m., when the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. This is the second go-round for this project, as the first attempt in the spring at finding an interested partner produced just one bid. The project is funded through a Community Development Block Grant of just over $6 million.
In preparation for the newest RFP, the county advertised the project in June, running the following notice in several local publications: “The project generally consists of a P25 Phase 2 standards-based 700/800 MHz trunked radio system to provide greater county-wide communications coverage and message capacity. Components include: 3 new towers, 2 new shelters and 3 emergency backup generators, trunked radio network with geographically-redundant central control systems, interface with, or replacement of existing dispatch console equipment, and redundant IP-based microwave backhaul.”
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