Jessica Cobb Joins Warriors4Wireless Board


NATE: the Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association and Warriors4Wireless (W4W) yesterday announced that Jessica Cobb, a member of the association’s Board of Directors, will join the Warriors4Wireless Board of Directors.

Cobb, the CEO of MDTS, has served in several roles throughout the organization and is also a member of the Women of NATE and the Military of NATE. She says her motivation to contribute is derived from an inherent sense of responsibility to reciprocate benefits her company has received over the past decade from employing veterans and belonging to NATE.

“Jessica Cobb played a founding role in shaping NATE’s Veteran Sourcing Program, so having her join our Board will help us continue the growth of both the veterans we assist and the number of NATE member companies receiving these free services,” said W4W President/CEO Kevin Kennedy. “Warriors4Wireless exists for one purpose, to help veterans become productive members of the telecom industry. We will connect our 3,000th veteran next month and I would estimate over 90 percent have been hired by NATE member companies.”

Since 2018, NATE has had a Board member sitting on the W4W Board. 

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