New York State Wireless Association Fixates on Fixed Wireless


The New York State Wireless Association (NYSWA) held its Fixed Wireless Forum in downtown Manhattan in front of roughly 200 attendees last Monday. Two diverse panels covered a plethora of issues associated with fixed wireless along with keynotes from FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington and Vertical Bridge’s Alex Gellman followed by a presentation of NYSWA’s scholarship program.

Moderator Robert Gaudioso of Snyder & Snyder, LLP led off with an overview of fixed wireless access in the marketplace featuring panelists Claude Aiken of Nextlink; Rick Chandler, T-Mobile; Anthony Lewis, Verizon; and, Mark Rollins, CITI. The panel echoed FCC Commissioner Simington’s remarks about a “bias” in the Halls of Congress towards fiber, calling for more education of fixed wireless technology and more spectrum needed to meet future demands. The comment from T-Mobile’s Rick Chandler of “is Congress going to act?” drew laughter from the audience. The panel downplayed ”the need for speed” over reliability and comprehensive delivery to all corners of the state. “The vast majority don’t need high speed,” Chandler said. “They want it to work like a utility.” 

WIA CEO Patrick Halley led a panel discussing “Policy Implications of the Growth of FWA and 5G” (see the participants listed in photo above). Adam Falk of cable giant Charter Communications defended his company’s technology by saying cable can “get pretty far” in providing universal coverage for the state. Panel members countered that fixed wireless can be deployed rapidly throughout the mountainous terrain of New York reaching locations otherwise inaccessible to cable. Crown’s General Counsel, Teddy Adams called for a small cell bill to help deploy infrastructure. Halley said the Biden Administration is developing a National Spectrum Strategy on which WIA is providing guidance.

Board Member and Association past president, Tom Marciano of inRange Solutions presented an overview on NYSWA’s scholarship program. Established in 2020, the fund has generated over $100,000 in donations with $75,000 already allocated to over 30 students throughout the state. Marciano cited committee Co-Chair Doug Dimitroff of Phillips Lytle LLP as a driving force behind the fund. The scholarship students include those at SUNY, Queensborough Community College, CUNY and elsewhere. Several students were present at the conference with one giving his thanks and appreciation to the audience for helping him on his career path in broadband. To find out more about the program and how to donate, click here.

By Jim Fryer, Inside Towers Managing Editor

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