Rancho Santa Fe Throws DISH Off the Rooftop


After an even split among voting Board members last spring, support within the Rancho Santa Fe Association Board in California has shifted. At its August meeting, The Rancho Santa Fe Review reports that the Board has now sided against DISH Wireless. DISH had asked to install two six-foot cell tower antennas in faux chimneys it would place atop the Badger Building. While not officially of landmark status, the building is apparently treasured by local residents, who don’t want to see it architecturally compromised.

“We don’t want random chimneys in our downtown area,” confirmed Director, Lorraine Kent. “Our downtown is historic and we want to keep that pristine.”  

RSF Association Director Phil Trubey backed up Kent, calling DISH a “lower-tier” provider with a new and unremarkable impact in the San Diego area, reported the Rancho Santa Fe Review. “In terms of usefulness, this doesn’t enhance our community at all,” he noted, adding that he did not like the visuals presented by the chimneys. “I don’t see any reason why we would allow this.”

The Board ultimately voted against the DISH application, suggesting instead that they consider an alternate location. Two suggestions were floated as alternatives: the Santa Fe Irrigation District building on Linea Del Cielo, or the RSF Fire Protection District on El Fuego. Both locations would allow DISH to colocate with existing cell tower structures.

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