Roma Capitale e Boldyn Networks Annunciano #Roma5G


Che progetto importante per Roma! Similar to what it is doing for major cities like London, New York, San Francisco and Hong Kong, U.K.-based neutral host provider, Boldyn Networks announced the signing of a 25-year concession agreement with the Rome, Italy’s municipal government, Roma Capitale, to implement #Roma5G, a city-wide 5G infrastructure that will be open to all mobile network operators. The project supports the mayor’s vision of making Rome a leading connected, digital, and sustainable smart city among European cities. 

Boldyn will be responsible for the construction, management, operation, and maintenance of new city-wide 5G and Wi-Fi infrastructure that will be integrated with the aesthetics of the city and existing installed equipment. 

The wide-ranging project includes coverage of all metro lines encompassing 83 stations and over 42 miles of tunnels, in all frequency bands for 4G and 5G services; the installation of more than 2,200 above-ground small cells that can support multiple MNOs; free Wi-Fi with 850 access points in 100 public squares around the city; and, the installation of 1,800 IoT sensors and 2,000 5G CCTV cameras for smart city applications and enhanced security. 

Rome, a city of roughly three million citizens, expects to be technologically ready to host some 32 million visitors expected for the Jubilee 2025 celebrations. This figure is on top of Rome’s approximately 15 million annual tourists who expect full connectivity to capture and share the special moments of their visit to the historic city.

Though the financial commitment for the overall project was not disclosed, the companies say that #Roma5G will be launched in the coming weeks.

Roberto Gualtieri, Mayor of Rome, comments, “We are proud to be able to kick off one of the most strategically relevant projects for the future of our city. The collaboration with Boldyn Networks will allow the creation of a next-gen technological network 5G and Wi-Fi to enable the most advanced digital services. Thanks to this project, Rome will become one of the most advanced smart cities in Europe.”

“The Roma 5G project opens possibilities, working with the mobile operators, to benefit all Rome’s citizens and visitors for years to come”, says Andrew McGrath, Group Chief Commercial Officer of Boldyn Networks. “[This] project represents the importance of the Italian market for the expansion of Boldyn in Europe.”

By John Celentano, Inside Towers Business Editore

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