Sateliot Satellites to Connect 350 Customers This Summer


Sateliot is launching four 5G LEO satellites this summer to connect nearly 7 million IoT devices. The Spanish LEO satellite operator said it is the first company to operate an IoT constellation operating worldwide under the 5G standard.

“With the deployment of these four satellites plus the two already orbiting the Earth, Sateliot enters the first phase of its constellation, opening its commercial phase,” said Jaume Sanpera, CEO and co-founder of Sateliot. “We are ready to enter a new dimension, both technologically and commercially. And we will place Spain at the forefront of the New Space revolution.”  

Sateliot, which is partnering with Indra, Cellnex,and Sepides, will begin billing more than 350 clients in more than 50 countries worldwide. The company aims to generate $546.36 million in revenue by 2027, and become a one billion dollar company by 2030. 

The satellites are each 8 x 4 x 14 inches in size and weigh 22 pounds. They will orbit at an altitude of between 310 and 372 miles and have a lifespan of five years. With the two LEOs already in orbit, they will cover 100 percent of the planet.

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